Meet the Maker

My name is Wendy Henderson.  I grew up in a small town in Northern Utah. I spent most of my time outdoors riding horses. I still love being outdoors riding horses and working in my yard. But the older I got the less I liked being out in the cold, and Northern Utah has some pretty cold winters. I found myself inside more often spending way too much time on my phone. I decided I needed an indoor hobby to pass the cold winter months. Since I'm not much of a crocheter or knitter, I decided to try my hand at leather work. I instantly fell in love with it. It quickly became my passion. I am self taught and still learning new things every day and probably will be for the rest of my life. I love-hate when someone asks me to do something new or different. But in the end, I'm grateful for the challenge because it helps me grow and improve my craft. 

I am especially grateful for those first few friends, family and clients who believed and trusted in me. And especially those who challenge my talent by asking me to do things I don't even think I can do.

I just love making beautiful stuff! My hope is to continue to improve on every project and spread a little beauty and sunflowers every chance I get, because The world could always use more of that!